We know about Noah and the Ark. But how long did Noah live?
Happy New Year to all. Be careful out there.
We know about Noah and the Ark. But how long did Noah live?
Happy New Year to all. Be careful out there.
Noah lived nine hundred and fifty years total (950).
Source: Genesis 9:29
Methusuelah was the longest lived man on earth. How long did he live?
Methuselah lived nine hundred and sixty nine years (969).
Source: Genesis 5:27
Christmas went ok. I once again made it through the season. Now just to make it through New Years. If you drink be sure not to drive.
We lost Jimmy Carter today the longest lived President of the United States. With that in mind lets take a look at lifespans in the Bible.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The picture this week is. Title: Angels announcing Christ’s birth to the shepherds Artist: Govert Flinck Date: 1639 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thanks for reading also I hope you had a good day at church.
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How many times did John try to worship angels in Revelation?
The answer will be posted tomorrow. If you can’t wait go to https://dailybibletrivia.com
John tried two times. Both times the angels told him not to do it. Worship is reserved for God Alone.
Source: Revelation 19:10, 22:8-9
Jesus told us to love our enemies. We are to love no only those who love us but our enemies as well.
Source: Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27, 6:35
Jesus told his followers to love a surprising group of people. Who are the surprising people he said we should love?
How did the angels communicate to Joseph about Jesus?