What only God thing happened to Peter when he was imprisoned by Herod the King?
What only God thing happened to Peter when he was imprisoned by Herod the King?
God sent an angel to release him. He was chained to two guards at the time.
Source: Acts 12:3-10
What God only thing did Elisha see happen to Elijah?
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He saw Elijah taken up to heaven by a chariot of fire.
Source: 2nd Kings 2:11
At the beginning of Jesus ministry he was baptized by John. What unusual event happened at the baptism?
After Jesus came up out of the water the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. Also God identified him as hie son.
Source: Matthew 3:16-17, Mark 1:10-11, Luke 3:22, John 1:32
Job also had a special only God thing when God appeared to him. How did God appear to Job?
God appeared to Job in a whirlwind. Then he questioned him.
Source: Job 38:1-3
Moses had many things in his life that could only be done by God. What called him to free his people?
God attracted Moses attention with a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire.
Source: Exodus 3:2