What did Paul tell the Ephesians about anger?
Bible Trivia Answer for Thursday 11/21/2024
Paul told them not to use anger and a reason to sin. Also we should deal with the causes quickly and not let it fester.
Source: Ephesians 4:26
Bible Trivia Question for Wednesday 11/20/2024
In the book of Zechariah how did God say he was angry at the piests?
Bible Trivia Answer for Wednesday 11/20/2024
God said he was angry with the shepherds. Shepherds then and now meant priests and clergy.
Source: Zechariah 10:3
Bible Trivia Question for Tuesday 11/19/2024
In Mark Jesus healed the man with the withered hand. Why was he mad at the people in the synagogue?
Bible Trivia Answer for Tuesday 11/19/2024
Jesus was angry at their hardness of heart. They were more concerned with Jesus working on the Sabbath than seeing the man get healed.
Source: Mark 3:1-5
Bible Trivia Question for Monday 11/18/2024
What did Rebekah do to protect Jacob form the anger of Esau?
Bible Trivia Answer for Monday 11/18/2024
She sent him to stay with his Uncle Laban in Padden-aram.
Source: Genesis 27:41-45
Weekly Update 11/17/2024
Knees not working again but I am doing my best. A lot of walking will do that to me.
I am going to do a week on wrath in the Bible.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The picture this week is. Title: Paul tried before Festus, Agrippa and Bernice Artist: Vasily Surikov Date: 1875 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thanks for reading also I hope you had a good day at church.
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Bible Trivia Question for Saturday 11/16/2024
Jesus told the Jews to obey the Pharisees. Why did he tell them to do that?