Monthly Archives: October 2016



Hi and welcome to my new blog. It’s going to be a daily Bible trivia question, no prizes just bragging rights. We will run from Monday to Saturday with Sunday’s off for worship. Questions will be about the Bible, and from the Bible . Please remember that good trivia questions are factual even if the facts may be a bit obscure. A good trivia question has a factual answer and is not ambiguous in either question or answer. To make things clearer all questions and answers will be drawn from the Protestant King James version of the Bible 1769 (1611 with modern spellings) version.

We have a web site, in addition the questions will be available via Facebook, email or even sent to your phone. Visit the web site to sign up for the mailing list. The daily question will be posted on Facebook and emailed as well as being on the web site. The answer and the source of the answer will be posted on the web site the same day. It will be posted to Facebook, email, and text message, the following day.

One last thing is that we are in Beta Testing things may change and I would love to hear your comments

Enjoy the Blog,
