The Apostle James said this kind of man’s pray would “availeth much”. What kind of man was he talking about?
The Apostle James said this kind of man’s pray would “availeth much”. What kind of man was he talking about?
A righteous man’s prayer is effective. This was especially true in the healing of the sick.
Source: James 5:16
Before he was arrested Jesus prayed in Gethsemane. What did the apostles do while Jesus prayed?
They fell asleep according to Matthew and Mark more than once.
Source: Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22
A devout man my prayers were answered and it had world shaking implications. Who am I?
I am Cornelius Centurion of Rome. It was at house of Cornelius that the church was first expanded to include Gentiles.
Source: Acts 10
In the Gospel of Mark the apostles were having trouble casting out a demon Jesus came and cast it out. What did he tell the apostles they lacked?
Jesus told them they needed prayer and fasting to cast out this type of demon.
Source: Mark 9:29
One night in Philippi Paul and Silas were praying and a remarkable thing happened. What was that remarkable thing?
There was an earthquake and the jail they were in opened up. It’s a great story that resulted in the jailer being saved.
Source: Acts 16:25-34