Monthly Archives: September 2017

Weekly Update 09/17/2017


Sorry for the delay in posting the update this week. Even Geeks have computer troubles. Since this computer spends a lot of time on the internet I keep it updated as a security matter. I was out last night and got home late set it up to download upgrades and went to bed, This morning it asked for a reboot.  I rebooted intending to eat breakfast and do my posting.  However the update had a problem and locked up the machine. So I let Windows sort it out while I went to church.  Finally Sunday night it’s back up. Again my apologies for the delay.

Break of the Strong’s Bible dictionaries and your Websters dictionaries. This week is Say What. Bible words that are not what they seem. I do love my Strong’s notes in my electronics Bibles often a quick check helps with my understanding of the text

The Picture is: Vision of St Augustin. by Vittore Carpaccio. Date 1502 From Wikimedia commons.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you had a good day at church.


Daily Bible Trivia

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