Monthly Archives: August 2018

Weekly Update 08/26/2018


Once again at my Mom’s house. She is doing well but we had a funeral to attend. It was one of my few remaining Aunts at one time I had 26 Aunts and uncles down to 1 Aunt and 1 Uncle left. Doing double duty with it being my birthday weekend as well. It was the unbirthday this year as we are busy at work and no time for a party. I’ll catch up next year. Hopefully when I retire.

Since I am now a senior citizen (mid 60’s) The topic this week is old men of the Bible.

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The Picture this week is. Title: The Death of Moses Artist: Providence Lithograph Co. ‎ Date: 1907 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading also have a good day at church.


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