When we have pity on the poor we lend to the Lord. God promises to repay us.
Proverbs 19:17
When we have pity on the poor we lend to the Lord. God promises to repay us.
Proverbs 19:17
According to the Book of Proverbs who are we lending to when we have pity on the poor?
When Nebuzar-adan took over Jerusalem what did he do with the poor people of the land?
Nebbuzar-adan left the poor to tend the land and vineyards. Also to .care for the animals.
2 Kings 25:8-12
Jesus complemented a widow for giving all to the temple. How much did she give?
The widow put in two mites also called small copper coins. They were the smallest coins used. Jesus applauded her for giving all she had even though it was a small amount.
Mark 12:42, Luke 21:2
In the book of Exodus how did God promise to punish those who afflicted widows and orphans?
God promised to get angry and kill them with the sword.
Exodus 22:22-25
Another busy weekend. I attended a banquet Friday night. Worked on the network Saturday. Home router upgrade. Then of course there were troubles. MTU setting if you’re interested. But it’s working and hopefully will be a good upgrade. Sunday was church and a lot of driving. Well I keep busy.
Since I went to a dinner for a group that helps the poor and those who lost their way in life the topic this week is poor people in the Bible.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The Picture this week is. Title: The Widows Mite Artist: James Tissot Date: 1886-1894 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thanks for reading also have a good day at church.
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In the very early days of the church sick people were arraigned so Peter’s shadow fell on them when he walked. Why did they do this?