Monthly Archives: August 2019

Weekly Update 8/26/2019


Well a lot to do today but thankfully no bad issues. We had a small dinner party for my birthday and it went fairly well. Cleaning today though it does not look like it. There is still a lot of extra stuff sitting around and more cleaning tomorrow after church. Also keep me in prayer as I am going in Monday to have my heart shocked to get it back into rhythm. Sorry for the delays but my main computer went down this weekend. Now to get to bed and enjoy this perfect sleeping weather.

This week the topic is the heart. This comes up fairly often in the Bible

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The Picture for this week. Title: Christs charge to Peter Artist: Raphael Date: 1515 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading I hope you have a good day at church.

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