The daughters of Zelophehad brought the case to Moses. It also clarified inheritance laws among the Jews.
Numbers 27:1-11
The daughters of Zelophehad brought the case to Moses. It also clarified inheritance laws among the Jews.
Numbers 27:1-11
Still using that extra energy. A busy week at work, minor car repairs this weekend. Since my young friend was out for a visit, we moved some furniture around. But the house is starting to look a bit better and less cluttered. Always something to do.
The topic this week is inheritance in the Bible. I’ve been dealing with that a lot this week and it seems there is a lot in that in the Bible.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The Picture for this week. Title: The Prodigal Son Spending His Money in Riotous Living Artist: Franz Christoph Janneck Date: 1703-1761 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thanks for reading I hope you have a good day at church.
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There were other Sabbaths also kept by Israel. What is a Sabbath Year?
A Sabbath Year specifically is a year of rest for the land. For that year it would not be cultivated. Food produced is for subsistence. This also would let the land restore itself.
Leviticus 25:1-7
Nehemiah did a lot to restore Judah after the exile. What did he do to stop people from working on the Sabbath?
He locked the gates putting his men there to be sure they were not opened during the Sabbath. He also threatened people camping outside the gates.
Nehemiah 13:15-22
What was the penalty for Sabbath breaking in Ancient Israel?
It could go all the way to death. A lot depended on the circumstances of the sin. If you sinned through ignorance you might get a warning.
Numbers 15:32-36
What specifically did Jesus say about the relationship between mankind and the Sabbath?
Jesus said, “The Sabbath is made for man not man for the Sabbath.”. The Sabbath is a day for rest and worship.
Mark 2:27