Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers out there. Have as good a time as you can. Like Easter this is a weird holiday for me as it’s the first time without my mom. However I did help one of my girlfriends kids get to the store. Today, to get his mother’s day present. I hope if and when he does get married he finds a forgiving wife. Otherwise a continual roll of quarantine. It’s a bit stricter now as the doctor want’s me to get tested. I think he is overreacting but we do go way back so I’ll trust his instincts. I do check my temperature daily and there is no fever. But I have several risk factors so better safe than sorry.
We are going to try something new this week. Who’s that namesake. I will discuss the person who an Bible book is named for, using the literal definition of their name. You guess who it is.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The Picture for this week. Title: The Adoration of the Shepherds Artist: Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656) Date: 25 December 1622 Source: Wikimedia Commons
I hope you have a good day at church. If you are able to go.
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