Monthly Archives: March 2021

Weekly Update 03/21/2021


This will be a bit different. I’m trying out my traveling rig while sweetie is watching TV with her son. I have had my first Covid shot and my second is scheduled. Then it will be time to get traveling again. Yes, I am looking forward to that. There are trips planned for April, May, and June. I’m using a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with my phone. Yes the screen is small but believe it or not it is larger than the Osborne I computer I had as my first traveling computer. And it is a lot lighter. It seems to be working so I guess I will be traveling with it from now on. I can transfer to USB sticks to move between systems.

This week one TV news anchor and Bible “scholar” gave many Christians a laugh by saying God is not in the business on judging people. Actually God completely is in the business of judging people. Let’s do a week of verses on that.

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The picture this week is. Title: The Last Judgment (from the Sistine Chapel) Artist: Michelangelo‎ Date: 1532 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading also I hope you have a good day at church. If you can go.

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