According to Jesus the Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
Source: John 10:11
According to Jesus the Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
Source: John 10:11
One time in his ministry Jesus was moved by the crowds because they were like sheep lacking something. What did they lack?
According to Jesus the crowds were as sheep lacking a shepherd.
Source: Matthew 9:36, Mark 6:34
In Isaiah the people of Israel have done something sheep are known for. What did they do?
They went astray for following God. Jesus came to restore the lost sheep first of Israel then all nations.
Source: Isaiah 53:6
They were sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. They were not to go to the gentiles or Samartians.
Source: Matthew 10:1-6
Jesus sent out the disciples to recuse the “lost sheep” he also specified that they should look for a particular class of lost sheep. Which lost sheep did he specify?
Lost people are often referred to as sheep that have gone astray. Where is the first written down in the Bible?
It is first found in the book of Psalms specifically Psalm 119.
Source: Psalms 119:176
A man of Ur he was the founder of multiple religions?