Epaphroditus almost died, delivering monetary support to Paul. The support was from the church at Philippi.
Source: Philippians 2:25-30
Epaphroditus almost died, delivering monetary support to Paul. The support was from the church at Philippi.
Source: Philippians 2:25-30
This woman was so valued by the congregation that Peter was called when she got sick and died. He raised her from the dead. Who is this woman?
The woman is Dorcas who made many clothes for the church members would could not afford them.
Source: Acts 9:36-43
They asked for seven men. These were the first deacons.
Source: Acts 6:1-6
When there was a question of serving food the apostles asked for men they could appoint to oversee this. How many men did they ask for?
A very challenging week. I’m working off two hours sleep but enough about that.
A laid down life. Many of the heros and heroines of the faith lead that kind of life. Let’s talk about a few of them this week.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The picture this week is. Title: The Good Samaritan Artist: Jacopo Bassano Date: 1562-1563 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thanks for reading also I hope you had a good day at church.
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In Hebrews they talk about unbelief preventing us from doing something. What does it prevent?
Unbelief will prevent us from entering the rest of God.
Source: Hebrews 4
Paul described the church as an olive tree. He said that some branches were broken off so that others could be added. Why were the branches broken off?
The branches were broken off due to unbelief. Others who believed were grafted in.
Source: Romans 11:13-21