He considered himself the “least of the apostles.” Who is this disciple of Jesus?
The answer will be posted tomorrow. If you can’t wait go to https://dailybibletrivia.com
He considered himself the “least of the apostles.” Who is this disciple of Jesus?
The answer will be posted tomorrow. If you can’t wait go to https://dailybibletrivia.com
This is Paul describing himself to the Corinthians.
Source: 1st Corinthians 15:9-10
Elisha was a disciple of Elijah. What did he ask for the day Elijah was taken up to heaven?
He asked for a double portion of his spirit. He wanted to be first born son and successor to Elijah.
Source: 2nd Kings 2:9-12
Another busy week for me. Also having a bad day, multiple issues. But let’s press on regardless.
I have started reading “The cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. So with that in mind lets talk about a few disciples in the Bible.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.
The picture this week is. Title: Christs charge to Peter Artist: Raphael Date: 1515 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thanks for reading also I hope you had a good day at church.
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In Revelations some members of the church of Smyrma were promised prison and tribulation. How long would this tribulation last?
The members thrown into prison were told the tribulation would last 10 days.
Source: Revelation 2:10
According to Paul who will suffer persecution?
All those who live godly in Christ will suffer persecution. .
Source: 2nd Timothy 3:12
According to the book of Ecclesiastes who has made our days of adversity?