Weekly Update 05/05/2019


A busy week at work and a busy weekend here at home. My young friend was over for his monthly visit and he helped me with yard work. In return we went to the movies. We saw “Shazam” it’s a pretty good movie. Then we came home for pizza. After all I had to pay him for his work

This week it’s Mother’s day. Going up to see my Mom next weekend. At 89 there is no guarantee there will be another mother’s day with her. Also the topic is going to be scenes from motherhood. I will describe an incident from a mother’s point of view. You tell me the mother and children involved.

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The Picture this week is. Title: Samuel Dedicated by Hannah at the Temple Artist: Frank W.W. Topham Date: 1838-1924 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading and have a good day at church.

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