Weekly Update 7/28/2019


A quick update before church. This horrible year has continued. On Monday my mother died very peacefully at 89. So we had to work on the funeral and cleaning out her house. She was a lifelong Christian and church member. Also all of her children got Bible names. Her funeral went well my brother and his son played some hymns on Trumpet and Trombone and I gave the eulogy. But unfortunately Friday my cat was found very ill by my friend who was looking after him. We had to put him down. The sooner this year ends the better.

The topic this week is mourning. Even though we know we will meet our loved ones again we still miss them.

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The Picture for this week. Title: The Resurrection of the Widow’s Son at Nain Artist: James Tissot Date: 1886-1894 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading and have a good day at church.

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