Weekly Update 5/30/2021


I’m ready to go back on the road now. It has been a difficult week with everybody calling with problems and issues. No rest at all. Tonight I’m sore after helping sweetie move. My knees will no longer let me do steps but I can still pack and drive the van. We had some younger folks to bring the stuff out to me. I’m sore. We will finish tomorrow and hopefully next Thursday I will be able to rest. Why yes I am busy.

I have been hearing about nothing but trouble this week so all answers will have the word trouble(s) in them.

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The picture this week is. Title: Title: Thank offering unto the Lord Artist: Providence Lithograph Company Date: 1896-1913 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading also I hope you have a good day at church.


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