Weekly Update 02/26/2023


This has been a bad week. We lost power Wednesday night. After that our furnace failed and I’m in a sweater trying to keep warm as a new one is installed. Later today I have to go and get a flat tire repaired on the car as well. Those are just the major issues so if I’m a bit distracted sorry.

Since we are in Lent lets start with 40 days There are many events that took 40 days and this week let’s go over some of them. The number 40 usually means a time of testing or trial.

Thanks for the comments and questions. I always enjoy them because it means people are reading.

The picture this week is. Title: Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness Artist: James Tissot Date: 1896-1902 Copyright: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading also I hope you have a good day at church.


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